Teacher Education Programs at Benedictine College – Title II Compliance Reporting

2023-2024 Academic Year

Section 207 of Title II of the Higher Education Act (HEA) requires teacher preparation programs enrolling students who receive federal assistance under Title IV of the HEA to make available the following basic information about program performance. During the 2022-2023 academic year, 105 students had been formally accepted into the Benedictine College teacher preparation program; 41 of these students completed program requirements in 2022-2023. Ninety-seven percent of these graduates who took all tests required for Kansas licensure passed all assessments, including professional knowledge tests.

In 2022-2023, the statewide aggregate pass rate on various professional knowledge exams was 79% to 100%. The total number of hours required of students participating in supervised student teaching in these programs is 496. Questions regarding the teacher preparation program should be directed to the chair of the Benedictine College School of Education.

Updated August 3, 2024.