Kelly Cogan

Kelly Cogan

Position: Assistant Professor / Director of Master of Arts in Special Education

Department: School of Education

Office: Ferrell Academic Center 212

Phone: 913.360.7384

Contact Kelly Cogan

Dr. Kelly Cogan graduated from Benedictine College with a degree in Elementary Education in 2006.  In 2007, she earned her certification to teach visually impaired through Missouri State University followed by her master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Northwest Missouri State University in 2009.  Dr. Cogan currently attends the University of Kansas in pursuit of a doctorate degree in Curriculum and Teaching.  She spent seven years teaching special education and as an Autism consultant and then became the Director of Programs at The Farmer’s House where she developed and implemented community integrated vocational based-learning programs and transition opportunities for students with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities.  She is passionate about special education and the inclusion of all individuals with exceptionalities throughout schools and local communities.  At home she enjoys beautiful landscapes, delicious food and family which fill her life with joy.